Event: IMAC Aerobatics Competition
This flying event is normally held in August.
Stetsons are pleased to host a full weekend of IMAC competitive aerobatics at the Stetson Field.
Aerobatic Interest Group (AIG) and our IMAC event.
This flying event is normally held in August.
Stetsons are pleased to host a full weekend of IMAC competitive aerobatics at the Stetson Field.
From a post by Isabel Deslauriers on RC Canada, October 2012
Flutter is when a surface or control surface of an airplane suddenly and often violently vibrates, frequently resulting in a catastrophic failure. Topics include:
by Dick Hanson.
Have you ever touched an engine to see how hot it was? Air-cooled, model aircraft engines can make a lot of heat! This is no surprise to anyone who uses them. The puzzle that often shows up controlling the heat once the engine is all tucked into a cowling.
Topics include the responsibilities of the spotter.
Stetson Flyers Model Airplane Club
PO Box 91542 RPO Mer Bleu
Orleans, ON, K1W 0A6