2024 Ring Master Fly-A-Thon
Come join us this weekend, October 5th and 6th for the Annual World Wide Ringmaster Fly-A-Thon.
Come join us this weekend, October 5th and 6th for the Annual World Wide Ringmaster Fly-A-Thon.
Our first fall meeting is Wednesday 25 September. The minutes of the March meeting will be circulated shortly for your review. They will be presented for approval at the meeting.
On Saturday August 24th, Stetson RC Flyers held our Scale event. Traditionally, this event was strictly for giant scale aircraft but this year we opened it up to scale aircraft any size. It had a bit of a confusing name but it seems to have worked, this year.
It was an unseasonably cool and blustery morning, although a much better upgrade from the weather a week before. As I arrived at the field with my cup of Timmie’s in hand, I saw our stalwart, ever-present president already at our field and getting things set up.
Early on New Year’s Day, 20 members gathered at our snowless airfield for our annual first flight of the year.
Stetson Flyers Model Airplane Club
PO Box 91542 RPO Mer Bleu
Orleans, ON, K1W 0A6